
Dead moon...



The Raven

Inner hell..

I scream but nothing comes out,
I fall to the ground and try to break out,
Out of the hell that I have created,
but I am stuck.
My hell is a room, there are no walls,
only mirrors.
The floor is covered from head to toe with 
And I am in a corner, grasping for 
Dark, its so dark. But I can still see
my reflection.
I see my face and the salty tears
coming from it.
Tears of fear, the fear of being alone,
all alone, so scared.
All I can do is sit and wait...
Wait for life to come back and find 
God, get me out, I can't take this 
Then I realize...
this room,
this hell,
is me...


Never even dream that I could leave you 
Alone again
Please don't imagine a life without me
I always wanted to be the candle to
Light your way.
I read your words and I am tied closer to you
I will always be here for you, stand beside you
Wrap you in the protection of my arms
Warm you in the fire of love
Together, with you, I fear no rain 
And no tomorrow
Because I know we'll always be together
And I'll never leave you alone again...

Lycan II ...

I know the nights are lonely
I know the days are long
I know it's a struggle to make it through
I know things feel so wrong
And does it help to tell you
That I'm always by your side
And do you know how much I care
More than I could hide
I am always here for you...